ACHENA accredited schools have successfully demonstrated that they meet peer reviewed standards of excellence in homeopathic education and training. Homeopathic students and the larger homeopathic community will further benefit when ACHENA, as an accreditation agency, successfully demonstrates to the USDE that they have achieved nationally reviewed standards of excellence. ACHENA will continue to function as an independent, peer-monitored agency with established standards of due process and transparency. A USDE recognized, ACHENA accredited homeopathic school becomes eligible for federal student loans, student visas and other funding on behalf of the students they serve, including consumer protections under the law. For more information about nationally recognized accreditation for colleges of higher education, visit the U.S. Department of Education.
General Newsletters:
CPD Newsletters:
Coming Soon!
ACHENA’s current short-term projects include:
- Improved procedures for schools granting advanced placement to students with prior learning
- Updated resources for member schools
- Expanding pool of qualified peer reviewers
Support ACHENA
Please partner with ACHENA and give generously to help homeopathic education prosper and continue to grow stronger. Your tax-deductible donation supports our mission to improve the quality of homeopathic education programs and improve consumer protection.
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